Wonderful Chakra/Animal workshop in Indianapolis

I recently had the honor of teaching a workshop in Indianapolis that was hosted by my dear friend Meredith Eastwood and Jennifer Foley of Active Dreaming in Indianapolis. The 4.5hr workshop “Dreaming Through the Chakras: Adventures with Spirit Animals for Healing and Creativity” was so much fun! We used Shamanic journey techniques to explore each of the 7 major chakras. During the drumming, each of the 20 participants used the imagery of a pool of water to find the color of each chakra, if the chakra was too open or closed, and then dove into the pool to explore a new landscape to find what helping animal was waiting on the other side for guidance and healing. After each shamanic journey, the participants used journals to write down their findings and the provided color pencils to draw important images that arose. They also broke into pairs and talked about the adventures they just experienced.

Although this class would normally be a full day event (we were doing 7 full journeys after all), we bent time just enough to accomplish this amazing feat in under 3 hrs! Whew! From the rapid scribbling in notebooks, the lively discussions with partners, and the quick sharing in the end the workshop, it appeared that although we might have been a little rushed, people still got a lot of information and guidance in the time given us.

I look forward to teaching this class again as a full weekend workshop so we can explore even deeper into each chakra, and have more time with the amazing animals that are there to support us and guide us. My hope is to use more creative avenues to honor these animal helpers and allow participants more time to share and connect to the community of fellow travelers around them. After all, these workshops not only help us gain support and guidance from the animal guides around us in non-ordinary reality, but they also allow us to see we are surrounded by loving creative and like-minded humans in ordinary reality.

Until the next adventure,

Much Love and Magic, Heather OwlWoman